Latinas stepping into their power and transforming our community

Join our community and make a difference!

Addressing the Disparity & Inequity of Latinas

  • Did you know? Latina workers make 52 cents for every dollar that white non-Hispanic males make annually! Read more
  • It will take Hispanic working women until 2451 [!] to potentially close the gap in wages paid to men. Read more
  • At least 61% of Latina mothers work and juggle caring for children and aging parents, while maintaining demanding jobs with low wages, leaving them little time to prioritize their health. Read more

What Can Latina Equity Foundation do?

Our Initiatives

Latina Equity Foundation's logo for the Health and Wellness Initiative

Health and Wellness

Our organization is dedicated to promoting the health and wellness of Latinas and their children.

Latina Equity Foundation's logo for the Economic Initiative

Economic Prosperity

We offer resources and support to help Latinas  thrive and achieve financial success in business.

Latina Equity Foundation's logo for the Education Initiative


We provide opportunities for educational growth through conferences, collaborations, and events designed to  promote the success of Latinas.

Discover the Benefits of Supporting Our Community

By supporting Latina Equity Foundation programs, you can make a positive impact and create lasting change for Latinas and our community as a whole.

of donations contribute to the benefit and well-being of WOMEN and their families.
of our programs are dedicated to fostering the success of Latina WOMEN.
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Jackie Jaramillo with Mayor Yemi Mobolade, representing the Latina Equity Foundation

Impact Update

Latina Equity Foundation recently had the opportunity to discuss the Foundation's initiatives and their impact on the Colorado Springs community with Mayor Yemi Mobolade! August 18, 2023.
Read the powerful presentation that our Chair, Jackie Jaramillo, presented on the Foundation's behalf.

Upcoming Events

Stay updated and engage with our community.

We don't have any events scheduled right now. Please check back soon!

Join Our Community!

Contribute to a supportive community where you can make a difference and advocate for the success of Latina women.